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Well I can agree with evolution, the bits that I manage to read quickly.

I wanted to say that it was not enough for a start, seems like a bad habit on itch,io though.


Just gonna repost what I wrote over on F95.

It's not bad, but it's not good either.

So what is here in the initial release is very short, and only really involves all of three characters (Emma, Emily, and the protagonist). You're introduced to the main character, you are told he works too much, and watch as he takes a call at 3am and is invited to visit someone. Cut to them arriving and reuniting with Emily and Emma, being shown your room, having a meal, then ending the day after dozing off watching TV. That's it.

The writing isn't bad, but it's nothing to write home about. It's 97% dialogue, with only occasional mental asides to let the audience know the protagonist is annoyed or aroused by something that just happened. I want to knock the game more for not doing enough with the internal monologues, but honestly there just isn't anything happening to have any real interesting thoughts about. Everything is fairly grammatically sound, nothing gave the impression this was a translation or the work of a non-native speaker. But on the other hand, there is literally nothing compelling happening. You don't learn who these characters are, what their relationships are, or most importantly why you should even care. The protagonist has some vague past connection to these people, but nothing is explicit stated or explained. You're staying with them for some indeterminate amount of time, for reasons unexplained. There is no mystery, no drama, no challenge, no goal, no motivation; there is no story. This is just three people bouncing into each other, and nothing interesting happens; the end.

Also both Emma and Emily have identical weirdly placed moles. If one or the other had them, that would be weird, but whatever. That both have identical sets of moles is distractingly bad. If you only have one and only one mole overlay for Honey Studio, then use it on one character only; using it on two (and literally the first two you see no less) is very noticeable and very distracting. Besides that Emma is fine as far as athletic tanned tomboys goes. Emily has comically oversized breasts, not really my thing, your millage may vary.

So yeah, it isn't bad per se. But what it is, is very 'meh'. It is inoffensively mid. Nothing interesting, but also nothing infuriating. It just seemingly exists. I dunno, maybe give it a few updates and see if the game can conjure up a reason to get invested in anything or anyone that's going on here. Because as of right now, there's nothing to see, nothing to do, and no reason to care.


Thank you for your comments, we'll keep it in mind moving forward and hope you'de be willing to give "Bliss House" another chance in our future updates.

Sure. But one more thing. I've double checked the preview renders, and you don't just have 2 characters with identical moles. Nor 3. But literally all 4. So unless you have some serious Harry Potter-esque literally magical reason for 4 people to have very noticeably identical sets of moles, you really need to fix that pronto. The sooner you do it, the less renders you need to redo. Because otherwise it stretches audience credulity and breaks immersion constantly.


What future tags are you planning dev? ntr/sharing? Pregnancy? futa/trans? femdom?

Most people mention some of the more normal tags, this one here goes stuff that, let's ask all the topic starters all at once


As of now, we've yet to settle on exactly which will and won't appear, but to give an answer, for the near future none of those are gonna be present in the game.